In Conclusion

Posted On December 3, 2009

Filed under Carl K.

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The Alice Project is finally coming to a close momentarily, and we’ll all be able to get some good rest tonight (unless if one is in AP Euro).

I have to say that this was  probably the largest, most professional project I have ever done in school. Possibly even outside as well.

Mr. Long did an amazing job in organizing a way for students to become experts in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and having fun blogging about it. And also I’m amazed of the qualitly of writing and thinking from my fellow peers. It was cool to see how everyone perceived things differently from each other, which I found very interesting.

I’m glad that our teacher has a brilliant mind to come up with such a project. I don’t know anyone else who would ever think of this. I see this new way of teaching becoming more universal in the near future. I’m glad I could be one of the first to be apart of it. But now that I look back on it, I wish I didn’t procrastinate as much as I have. I could have probably enjoyed the experience much more if that wasn’t an issue. But I know for next time to not put things as much off.

In all, this was a fabulous project and it really tested our knowledge, critical thinking, and creativity. For my closing thought, I would like to how next year’s students will react to this and see what new knowledge they bring to the table

3 Responses to “In Conclusion”

  1. David Bill

    I’m glad to hear that you recognize and value the type of work that you and your peers were able to do with this project. It is truly an excellent example of how the combination of technology and an innovative approach can make a dynamic and memorable learning experience.

  2. And children shall lead them? | Not So Distant Future

    […] K. at Not Your Average Wonderland   shares this insight: “I see this new way of teaching becoming more universal in the near […]

  3. Carolyn Foote

    You wrote, “I see this new way of teaching becoming more universal in the near future. I’m glad I could be one of the first to be apart of it.”

    Wouldn’t that be cool if it were?

    Why do you think this new way of teaching is good? What’s good about it?

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